NCAA Golf News

Chip Shots: Illini Women’s Golf at the U.S. Women’s Amateur

Chip Shots: Illini Women's Golf at the U.S. Women’s Amateur

Hi Illini Nation!

This is Crystal Wang, Isabel Sy, and Alise Knudson sharing our experiences from the 122nd United States Women’s Amateur at Chambers Bay in University Place, Washington. Crystal and Alise arrived in Washington on Friday, August 5th, to play an extra practice round on Saturday, August 6th. On Saturday night, after the first practice round, we attended the Welcome Party at the Pierce County Kite Festival. At the festival, there were multiple stands serving different foods as well as activities and games for the guests. Each player received a customized tournament kit for qualifying for the event. Isabel arrived later that evening to play her practice round the next day with Crystal in the afternoon, while Alise played in the morning to prepare for first round tee time.

From the practice rounds, we gained the course knowledge we needed in order to put together our own course strategies. The course provided some opportunities to practice different shots as it is a links style course. The greens have a lot of undulation, and there are changes in elevation throughout the course. Chambers Bay overlooks Puget Sound, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, as well as mountains in the distance.

During the first round, Alise was in the morning wave at 8:17 am, and Crystal and Isabel were in the afternoon wave at 2:12 pm and 12:11 pm. Isabel turned in a round of 2 over par, 75 and we all learned more about the course to help us during the second round. In the second round, Crystal and Isabel were in the morning wave, and Alise was in the afternoon. Crystal capitalized on her knowledge gained and turned in a round of two-under par 71. Through playing a new style of golf course in different conditions, we all learned about our games and what we can improve on going into our fall season. It was an incredible opportunity to play in such a prestigious event at an iconic venue! We are so thankful for this experience and looking forward to the chance to play the US Women’s Amateur again. Go Illini!

Crystal, Isabel & Alise


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