Golf News

Doh! Picked Up Your Ball By Accident? Here’s What You Need To Do

Doh! Picked Up Your Ball By Accident? Here's What You Need To Do

The first thing to stress here is that a number of golfers do perhaps believe that there is a difference between accidental or deliberate movement of your own ball, which will determine whether or not a penalty applies. But generally, the Rules of Golf make no such differentiation.

Picking ball up by accident

Generally the Rules do not differentiate between accidental, absent-minded, careless and deliberate…

(Image credit: Kenny Smith)

Yes, there are a number of Exceptions now that do make that differentiation. Perhaps the main ones to remember are that there is now no penalty if you accidentally move your ball (or ball-marker) on the putting green, perhaps on a practice stroke or by dropping your ball-marker on your ball (or vice versa).

And there is now, thankfully, no penalty if you accidentally move your own ball while searching for it. In both scenarios, you must remember to replace the ball in its original location before playing on, estimating the spot to the best of your ability if you can’t be 100% sure.

Accidentally moving ball on practice putting stroke

Move your ball accidentally on the putting green, such as on a practice stroke, and there is no penalty

(Image credit: Kenny Smith)

But the underlying default position in the Rules of Golf is that if you cause your ball at rest to move via any means, there is a penalty stroke under Rule 9.4b and, again, you must replace the ball in its original spot before playing on. Accidentally – or perhaps absent-mindedly – picking your ball up would not make you exempt from the penalty.


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