Golf News

Two-time U.S. Women’s Open champion Patty Sheehan

1994 U.S. Women's Open

Patty Sheehan places the top of the 1994 U.S. Women’s Open trophy on her head during the awards presentation, July 24, 1994, at the Indianwood Golf and CC in Lake Orion, Mich. Sheehan, who also won the Open in 1992, beat Tammie Green by one stroke.

PS: It certainly was something that I’d always wanted to do is to win the U.S. (Women’s) Open, and it was always so difficult because it’s the hardest golf course we play all year long. I’m not typically a very straight driver of the ball.  I don’t think I had the best short game, but I worked on it very hard a lot at home, and I would try to find the most difficult shots around the golf course and try to hit them. Tried to feel a little more comfortable with my short game, and it started getting better. It really was amazing how much better it got. Honestly, that’s probably one of the reasons why I won at Oakmont because I was not hitting a lot of greens in regulation and having easy pars. That just doesn’t happen at Oakmont.

When I got to Oakmont on that Monday of tournament week, my caddie, Carl Leib, had already been there for like two weeks trying to figure out the golf course and watching members play. He really did his homework. It was one of those weeks where we had a lot of rain. A lot of rain at Oakmont makes it just miserable because you’ve got thick rough, high rough, and now they can’t get in there and mow it. It was getting harder day by day. Carl said, this is the deal. It’s supposed to rain here this week, and we’re going to hit a lot of 3-woods off the tees, try to stay in the fairway and try to hit as many greens as we can. This is a beast of a golf course. He really had it mapped out for me, and I was really impressed with his homework. It was a combination of working pretty hard on my short game for years and then getting Carl as my caddie and him doing all of his pregame work. It all came together that week.  

I was pretty happy that it did because two years before that I lost the Open. I shouldn’t have lost it, but I did. I got hypoglycemic on Sunday, and we were playing 36 holes in Atlanta. July is never fun.  It’s hot and humid and horrible. So I got pretty sick that Sunday.  

At one point, I was up by 12 shots, and I ended up losing. So it hurt quite a bit, and I learned a lot from that. So coming back a couple years later and being able to get it open under my belt was probably the biggest turning point in getting to the Hall of…


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