Some writing assignments are easier than others but coming up with the ‘key beginner golf rules’ when you’ve been playing for 43 years and writing about the Rules for 15 years certainly gets the brain working. You’re constantly torn between thinking, ‘They don’t really need to know that,’ and, ‘They can’t really play if they don’t know that.’
Obviously you don’t really need to know much at all when you first start hitting a ball so this is more about the Rules you’ll most need to know when you do want to start trying to put a ‘proper’ score together, whether in competition or just for your own satisfaction as you seek to gauge your progress.
Before we get into it, I will say that reading the Definitions section at the back of the Rule book is a great place to start as it will help to familiarise you with some of the terms and language of the Rules of Golf. Beyond that, I’ve narrowed it down to ten. Please forgive me if I’ve missed any you deem absolutely essential or included any you consider non-essential! It is my considered opinion, not a definitive list.
We aren’t going to go into minute detail about each one (other than where unavoidable), but rather provide some headline information along with the relevant Rule number so you can read in more depth as and when you’re ready…
1. Consideration for others – Rule 1.2
The first Rule in the book talks about playing “in the spirit of the game”, part of which is showing consideration to others by playing at a prompt pace, not endangering them and not distracting them. When you’re new to the game, you may well be slower than others, so you should always look to wave those behind through if you’re having a few issues and are holding them up.
2. It counts as a stroke even if you miss it – Definitions
The Definitions say that a stroke is “the forward movement of your club made to strike the ball”. This means that if you swing with the intent of striking the ball, it counts as a stroke whether you hit it 250 yards, barely make contact or miss it completely.
3. You can’t do anything that improves how your ball is lying – Rule 8.1a
You won’t always hit the ball where you want to, so it’s important to know that you can’t do anything to improve the lie of your ball to…
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