Golf Podcasts

Short Game Solutions for Chase

Bladed it, smiled it, chili dipper, chunk city, worm burner, gopher killer… if any of these describe your short game, then it's time to turn your ears on because this weeks' episode is here to help you get your short game under control!

What you'll learn in today's episode

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Hey there, Golf Strategy School, Marty back with you here again and this episode's question comes from Chase. Chase is asking, his question reads, " Hey Marty, I was really burning a lot of strokes around the greens. Seems like I don't have a consistent low point in my chipping. Some are fat, some are thin, but really perfect. Any thoughts?" Well Chase, situations like this where you have inconsistent, I guess I'll say low point, it usually results from… At least with chipping, the fact that you're getting overly handsy in the actual action.

So a lot of people especially beginners or newer folks, they'll get into this mindset that the fingertips and the hands have all the feel, so that should be what's controlling all of the force that goes into the shot as well as kind of cutting out those bigger muscles. I see all the time where people just take their wrist and I kind of see them just chop right at the ball, and those ones are even less consistent then kind of what you're describing. At least you're getting a couple that do end up going on target, maybe not just on target but actually correct distance wise.

So the way we can kinda get around this, it's a really easy setup. If you have some water bottles this is a really easy thing to do. If you're on the course or if you are at your practice facility, heck, honestly you can do this at home. So you take two water bottles if you're at home they could be empty, and they should be empty. If you're on course then depending on how much when do you have, if you feel your empty water bottles are going to blow away, maybe put some water in them. But what you're going to do is you're going to take-two water bottles and you're going to set them up so one water bottle is about a foot behind the ball, the other water bottle is about…


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