Golf Podcasts

Fixing The Over The Top Slice – McDivot

Today's episode is a listener question from McDivot on twitter.  He says :


struggling with impact position.caster, weight even or back. just got Swingtalk. Any new drills to use with? Thanks

What You'll Learn In Today's Episode

  • ​How different types of feedback can help influence your swing and lock in those changes quickly
  • How Bob Duncan uses the terrain around him​ to fix an over the top move
  • How the Step Change drill from Super Speed Golf can fix a reverse pivot
  • Golf Strategy Academy

Videos Referenced

Step change drill is at 3:02


Drill setup is at 2:00 

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Here's your Transcript!

Hey McDivot, thanks for reaching out with the question. So from the sounds of it this is the classic over the top move. Meaning as you come into impact the face of the golf club is open and you are cutting across the golf ball. Depending on how severe your motion is this could be a pull fade that lands you generally where you want to be or a giant slice that sends you three fairways over. No matter how severe the shape my favorite solution stays the same and it comes from Bob Duncan.


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