We utter the word ‘golf’ to women and many will scoff and write off any suggestion of the sport completely. So many people have this image of golf in their heads… “Golf is a stuffy and expensive sport that you only take up when you’re retired.” I’m about to crush all those preconceived ideas for those who have never experienced the game before, and here are my top 7 reasons why you should give golf a go.
1. Golf Can Be Whatever You Want It To Be
It can be a quick whack at the driving range, a trip to the local dinosaur infested crazy golf, a few fun holes with some girlfriends and yes, it can also be playing in competitions with an official handicap. There are so many variations of golf. You can play this game, just find the version that fits with you and your available time/lifestyle and personality. For years I’ve delivered fun taster lessons to encourage women to get into the game of golf and this has always resulted in the participants gasping and claiming that they had no idea they’d love it as much as they do.
2. Golf Will Challenge You Mentally
Golf is an incredible sport, it’s not a reactive game. You choose when you hit the ball., and this makes it a tough sport psychologically. If a ball is served or bowled at you, there is no time to talk yourself out of succeeding, whereas there’s a big chunk of thinking time before you hit each golf shot, which is really mentally challenging. It’s also a revealing game and you learn so much about yourself. Your ability to cope under pressure, how you react to failure, how you react to success, the list goes on.
3. Golf Opens Up A Business Networking Platform
For the businesswoman, golf is a huge plus point when it comes to your ability to network and rub shoulders with clients. Doing business on the golf course is big business, so it literally pays to be able to play. Fellow PGA professional Nicky Lawrenson is the founder of Women in Golf Business, a community that brings the wider benefits of golf to professional women. I share Nicky’s passion to strengthen women’s presence in the world of business and in golf and I’m excited to be working with her in the future on various projects.
4. Golf Brings Friendship And A support Network
Golf is an incredibly sociable game. You develop a huge network of friends and many golf clubs feel like a big family unit, which is there to prop you up when times get tough. Apres golf is always high up on my priority list…
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