Golf News



It’s Masters week! Which means it’s that time again when the world’s best male golfers head to Augusta National for the first Major Championship of the year.

So what’s it like to play at golf’s most hallowed turf? And is it as magical as it looks on the TV? We chatted to a host of Ladies European Tour (LET) stars who’ve been fortunate enough to tee up at the Augusta National Women’s Amateur to hear what it’s like…

Alice Hewson

It was a surreal experience. Growing up I never thought I’d have the opportunity to compete at Augusta National, so to have had that opportunity and to be in the group of 30 girls who made it to the final day was an indescribable experience. The greens were so fast. I’ve never holed so many putts in my entire life. The whole experience was incredible, they looked after us so well.

Linn Grant

I don’t watch a lot of golf, so going to Augusta for the 2019 Augusta National Women’s Amateur I didn’t know every hole. Some people who played the practice round with me knew the greens and where you shouldn’t be, but I had no clue! I took it in but in a different way.

“It’s one of those places where the grass doesn’t grow the wrong way. I remember playing it the first year and thinking it was just a golf course but the second time I enjoyed it more because my expectations were too high the first time.

Linn Grant at Augusta National.

Lily May Humphreys

Augusta is surreal. It is amazing getting there and it looks just like the pictures. It was cool seeing the things that the cameras don’t see too. They always have the leaderboard up like they do at the Masters. Most people would go to a place like that once, but it was awesome to be able to go twice. I knew what to expect and I was able to take everything in the second time round.

Emma Spitz

I was lucky enough to play it a few times, but every time you play it’s just as special because there’s so much history. Every time you go there you see new things. It’s such an amazing experience to play there. Last week when I was watching the girls play I was wishing I could be an amateur again for the week! It’s so cool to be part of its history of women’s golf. It was just really special for me.

My best memory was during Covid when I was just there by myself and I had a local caddie. I was really able to take everything in for myself without having the distraction from other people – even though it’s really nice to have…


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