Golf News

Game time – Golf Inc Magazine

Game time - Golf Inc Magazine

The season has begun. Football games are now being played at both the high school and the college level all across America. The NFL just began its season. This is the time of year the entire nation anxiously awaits. The time of year where every fan is tied to their phones, their device and/or their television, waiting on that next amazing hometown catch or run. The local high schools are all stoked awaiting the next Friday to arrive, knowing the calendar will have games on the schedule until Thanksgiving. With energy off the charts, doesn’t it make sense to bring the season onto the property, theming the golf shop and other areas with the local school colors as well as images for the college and pro teams that matter to your community?

Baseball was once America’s pastime. Today it’s football 24/7. Football, in fact, is now top of mind almost any time of the year. With that kind of devotion it makes sense to present the colors, the stories and the merchandise of those teams that move the needle in your community. Theming is one way to create more interest, more fun in your club during a down time for rounds. Although fall is a fabulous time of year to play, the lure of football weighs heavy on the minds of even the most loyal golfers. In this In My Opinion post, I provide three ideas about this amazing time of year.

Be all in on the game: Football is a huge part of American culture. Because there is no way to fight it, why not jump in with both feet? Be all in with the teams your golfers love. Begin with the local high schools. Set up displays in the golf shop with pennants, photos, a ball, and even a helmet. If there is a great local rivalry, showcase the assets of both schools.

Add some collegiate and NFL merchandise to the shop: If your club is in or near a college town or NFL city, connect with the merchandise vendors to see what the options might be. From apparel to golf balls to accessories, there are several opportunities to present (at full retail) a variety of items showcasing the logo of the favorite teams near you. You might start small to see what moves best.

Bring the energy: From Friday through Sunday create an atmosphere of football fun and competition. From the drinks and meals you create to competitive games on the course, invent fun throughout the round where your golfers can win fun prizes (and bragging rights) for closest to the pin, longest drive, etc. Make it up, mix it up and build a fun football atmosphere all season long. Keep…


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