Golf News

Pick Two – Golf Inc Magazine

Pick Two - Golf Inc Magazine

The 88th Masters is over. We have a winner to add to the history books alongside another one-of-a-kind event that is truly must-see for those both inside and outside the game. As someone who has been there, I can tell you Augusta has a unique majesty, a very different feel than a screen could ever present, with slopes and lies far more penal than what network television showcases each Spring. Now that it is part of yesterday, I not only look ahead to the 89th gathering but have decided to look back as well, to see if and how The Masters and the Augusta National culture can somehow leave a mark on operations and operators who read this post. What can be learned from this storied place and the event that many begin to think about each year on January 2nd? Might we pick a few best practices, add seasoning, and energize the year at clubs far beyond Augusta, Georgia?

A stretch you say. What can a property run by members, with the most amazing golf tournament, do for your operation? There are hundreds of things Augusta National does well. Certainly, they have had a long time to get things right, not to mention a budget with many zeros to the right. Still, there are things, takeaways, that can make the average club better. With this being a short post of three ideas, there will be no deep dive, but a suggestion with a few values you might appreciate enough to want to try. Ultimately, most businesses look to the best in their communities for ideas. Here, I am looking at the best on the planet, the most coveted event on the calendar. These will be ideas that require due diligence, trial and error, as well as consistency. Her, in this In My Opinion post are three ideas that you may want to try as the season heats up:

Have everything in its place: Your operation should have a plan, clarity, and positive leadership at the different levels. Although you probably won’t be trimming the grass edges with simple hand scissors or removing every pinecone, you can do a lot to create an expectation of local excellence for both members and guests. There are no odd scenes at Augusta with things like mowers, chairs, or trash out of place. It is a club where discipline is on display no matter the day. By paying attention to those things seen by golfers, your team begins to appreciate ways to create a more friendly presentation. The question might be: why is that thing here?

The quiet between the roars during the tournament is that unexpected space where patrons gather awaiting…


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