Golf News

Demographics: the boomers are coming

Demographics: the boomers are coming

To grow your business over the next 3-5 years this may be a good time to look at what is happening to the generation known as the Boomer generation. As the amazing tailwinds of the pandemic subside, let’s look ahead and begin to appreciate what is happening with these older folks, those born between 1946 and 1964. In this In My Opinion post, I will provide three thoughts about the Boomer generation. This was the first group of people I believe with an official title (Boomer) for their age group. Here are my three thoughts:

10,000 Boomers turn 65 every day. Because there are 78 million men and women in this generation, these significant birthdays will continue until the year 2029. Many people 65 and older, even if they want to keep working may look to find work more in line with their age, physical condition, and overall attitude. In other words, the grinding is over. What can your club do to create meaningful invites for these new Medicare-eligible men and women? Opportunities likely exist all throughout your community, as Boomers live in large towns, small towns….all towns.

The Boomer generation is in aggregate the wealthiest group who have ever lived. Yes, you read that correctly. Many today are working towards better health, longevity, and greater happiness. A few more games of golf might fit nicely into this plan. What can you and your team do to create an experience that feels extra special to those who are ready to reset their calendars and their time?

Boomers have limitations, ailments, and other physical challenges. As we age parts break down, things hurt…..sometimes several things. From poor vision, poor hearing, and arthritis to folks who have new hips and knees, they may not have been the typical people on your tee sheet, but with 78 million searching for new ways to spend their time, you might want to prepare for the greying of the first tee. With thousands turning 65 every day, isn’t it time for your property to begin to look at things through the eyes and challenges of a golfing Boomer? Why not get together with golfers in their 60’s, 70’s, and even 80’s to understand their day and its struggles? Know this: Boomers love the game and want to continue to play it. The properties that create the best experience, understanding and working through the physical issues within the property, will earn greater loyalty.

Know too that Boomers only seem to see ads for vitamins, prescription drugs, special bathroom fixtures, and…


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