Golf Courses

New Jersey Golf School – Step One to Step Two By Brian Weis

New Jersey Golf School - Step One to Step Two By Brian Weis

Major swing changes do not work, at least overnight. Improving your golf scores, swing, and approach all take time. And much like the rest of your life, taking shortcuts will have you paying the price down the road.

In golf, there’s a method to the madness. The smallest tweaks can have the biggest effects, and from one day to the next your problems might change. Being good at golf means minimizing fluctuation and approaching each shot consistently. For a new golfer, this is difficult. For an experienced golfer…yep, still difficult.

We can’t always do it on our own. Scratch that, no one can do it on their own. After all, there’s a reason professional golfers have a team of instructors that help them through every tournament. They have caddies, swing coaches, sports psychologists, and more. Golf is far from simple, but making things simpler is what makes a normal golfer succeed.

So, What’s an Average Golfer to do?
A normal (non-professional) golfer doesn’t need a full inner circle of professionals to assist in their golf game. I mean, it would be nice, but no, you don’t need it-mostly because it’s not your career and the game is meant for relaxation.

However, working with a golf professional is an affordable and realistic way of taking the small steps needed to become a better golfer. Golf instructors at a place like a New Jersey Golf School have been around the game and understand what it’s like for golfers at every level.

If you want to improve your golf game, YouTube videos and self-guided range sessions won’t cut it. You need more. You need professional instruction that will help you understand your own game and the logical areas you can focus on to improve.

But What do I do with a Golf Pro?
You talk, you listen, you work together. A golf pro will bring you to the range or out on the course to work on what you collectively decide are your greatest areas of need. You’ll attack these problems in methodical way, one that keeps progress going, but never overwhelms you.

When you go all in at a golf school, you immerse yourself in the game. As such, your instructor can engage with you in a way they couldn’t with a one-hour lesson. You don’t need to do things on your own this way. Instead, you lay a foundation for sustained improvement.

Having someone by your side as you try to work in new movements and an adjusted approach hammers in the details. When you have an expert in the field right next to you, there’s no guessing. Instead, you have…


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