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Checking in: daily connections

Checking in: daily connections

Culture is the X factor for many in the world of business. Every manager wants a positive, rich culture that is open and inviting for all. It is their wish and hope, but it is the X factor for a reason. Some managers believe culture can be created from their perch. Others believe it can be forced onto the scene through a series of rules and directives. That it can be manipulated and positioned for maximum operational benefit. None of this is true, it turns out. Culture is not a creation of management. It is not molded from on high. Culture is driven by process, by practice from the ground up. It is, therefore, the team that has far more to do with creating culture than any single manager, no matter how many titles they may own.

Culture is simply a part of work. It is mixed into the day: of every action, response, and connection. It includes the decisions made by every team member on any given day. It cannot be created or driven by a manager who believes success rests in their chair. At the same time, however, culture may be enriched by how management serves the team. How they build the environment in and around the property. In this In My Opinion, I am going back to present a few ideas you may have seen before. Ideas that, as some properties prepare for a new season while others plan for a new year, can help build a better team, maybe even enrich the culture. Here are my three thoughts:

Begin with the morning huddle: This exercise brings everyone on the morning shift together for a maximum of 15 minutes. It is a preview, a pep talk, and an open forum for all to listen, to speak, and to learn specifics about the day ahead. Just as in football, it gets the entire team on the field moving to the same plan.

Ideas from the brown bag: This idea offers those who are available a chance to share not only lunch but ideas on how to make things better. It is an open discussion of possibility. Bring your lunch, grab a chair, and join in on ways to improve the day, no matter your department or level of experience.

The weekly Q&A: This is a volunteer opportunity for any employee to grab a seat and ask a question of the management team. It is a once-a-week event that takes place off hours, providing all a chance to ask about the property, the operation, and anything else that comes to mind. It should be respectful of management and the entire team. 

These three events have communication at their core. In my experience studying the largest brands on earth, I have…


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