Golf News

3-10-15: The time matters – Golf Inc Magazine

3-10-15: The time matters - Golf Inc Magazine

Over the course of any one day a busy property requires managers and staff to make several on-the-spot decisions. These decisions might include a food substitution, a change in a starting time or a discount in the golf shop. Most of these tend to be immediate, at-once queries with responses not practiced or rehearsed. At the same time there are any number of daily interactions with staff and golfer which require managers to stop and respond. These connections happen in the course of daily business. They each call upon someone to answer the questions deliberately, in full, no matter where they were headed, or how lengthy their to-do list might be. It’s the job, part of the responsibility of being in the world of service.

As a long-time student of customer service and the new world of work, I have experienced two different ways to serve people within the day of golf. The direct way is to stop, completely answer the question(s) with a smile and then briskly move on. Another way — frankly, a better way, with the added benefit of becoming memorable — is through the 3-10-15 method. Dale Carnegie, the great motivator of people, once said, “Success in dealing with people depends on a sympathetic grasp of the other person’s viewpoint.” When you can see the situation through another person’s position you have a decision to make very different choices in how you enter into and manage these daily opportunities. 

This 3-10-15 idea is one way to develop a closer connection to anyone, no matter the issue at hand. In this In My Opinion post, I provide a strategy to manage through the questions that pop up throughout the day. Here are my thoughts:

Pause for 3 seconds: When an important question is asked, many people may tend to answer quickly, without thinking things through. When asked a question, especially where a solution is requested, stop, take a few breaths, and think through your answer before speaking and potentially regretting your response seconds or even hours later. Wait 3 seconds, allow any emotions to drain away, and calmly answer or defer your answer until you acquire more information.

Spend 10 minutes with your team member: When a staff member stops you and requests an answer to an issue for a member or guest, engage with both positive energy and then the time to thoroughly answer the question. Afterwards, take the time to ask the team member about their day and how they’re doing in their job. When you show your people care and empathy,…


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