Golf News

What Happens If You Knock Leaves Off A Tree Or Bush During Your Stroke?

Knocking leaves off bush on backswing

Essentially we’re querying leaves getting knocked off on the backswing or downswing of your stroke here, for we’ve all played enough golf from terrible spots to know that after impact, when the ball has gone, the club can plough on through all sorts of undergrowth and foliage following our quest to extricate ourselves.

And we’re not talking about practice swings here, either, where the most ardent Rules police would have you locked up for knocking off even the tiniest of leaves. The reality is, it’s not quite like that as Rule 8.1a prohibits only doing anything that improves the conditions affecting the stroke.

On a practice swing it will depend on whether or not you have improved the conditions affecting the stroke

(Image credit: Kenny Smith)

Those conditions are clarified in the Definitions section of the Rules as follows: “The lie of the player’s ball at rest, the area of intended stance, the area of intended swing, the line of play and the relief area where the player will drop or place a ball.”


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